Family Development

GGC is a flow through for a number of program dollars from ISC to Gitanyow, Gitanmaax and Glen Vowell for these programs called ‘targeted programs’ as the funds are made for specific targets and unfortunately, limited funds.

National Child Benefits Reinvestment (NCBR) has recently been renamed by ISC as Low Income Family Immediate Needs funding and the funds no longer require an annual proposal. The funds are now built into the block agreement with expenditures reported quartertly to ISC.

Each community receives different levels of funding (depends on number of low income children and families). Activites are to help reduce poverty and increase success in employment or training. At this time the number of families with children living at the lowest level of income is quite high and varies between each community.

Activities include:

  • Child nutrition (largest budget): “To provide food hampers and or meal programs”
  1. hot lunch programs usually offered through the local elementary schools and meal tickets purchased for high schools students (all bands)
  2. Christmas hampers or gift cards in partnership with local food producers (all bands)
  3. Community kitchen (just one community)
  • Cultural Enrichment:
  1. cultural teachings i.e. Anspayaxw Rediscovery Camp (Kispiox Only): workshops and craft making at the local band schools
  • Support for Parents:
  1. Drop in center (all communities) supporting healthy fun activities for families and youth

Family Violence Prevention Project (very limited budget):

Family violence prevention projects are mostly a primary prevention project directed at the general population with the goal of stopping the occurence/activity/behaviour before it starts. For example, community education and awarenss outreach.

Activities include:

  1. family fun nights (two communities)
  2. circle time and supporting families in crisis

Canadian Provincial Health Officer’s Report highlights a number of health concerns and successes of youth and young adults. One section of the long report is called, Building Healthy Relationships has good information for communities to consider in promoting healthy relationships, safety and school successes.

TESI: Training and Employment Support Initiative (GGC continues this funding even though ISC has stopped funding this program).

  • adult basic education
  • employment supports
  • life management programs
  • stay in school
  • job readiness or short term training sessions like first aid, WHIMIS etc.

A back to work action plan and or a letter from the employer are required for each application. Focus is with young persons 25 and under who must on income assistance to receive support.

For more information regarding these community-based programs please call your local Band office! Please note that not all services are provided by each community as each community focuses on different needs.


Gitanyow Band


Gitanmaax Band

Glen Vowell

Sik-e-dakh Band